The First Sorrowful Mystery The Agony in the Garden

August 10, 2008

The First Sorrowful Mystery  The Agony in the Garden

And they went to a place which was called Gethsem’ane; and he said to his disciples, “Sit here, while I pray.”  And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled.  And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and keep watch.” (Mark 14:32-34 )


Fruit of the Mystery: Contrition – True sorrow for sin and uniformity with the will of God


We offer you, Lord Jesus, this decade in honor of your intense agony in the garden of Olives.

 Through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for perfect sorrow for our sins and perfect conformity to your holy will.  

 May the grace of the Agony of Jesus come into me and make me truly contrite and perfectly obedient to the will of God.  


Now, please kneel before our Lord and meditate on our Lord’s Passion. Meditate on our Lord’s Passion and be willing to suffer with love in your soul. (2605 )


 1. Begin today by making quiet time to be with Our Lord. Take quiet time so your focus is on God. Take quiet time so you are not distracted by the noise of this world. ( 2677 )
2. I come to you today because My Mother is weeping tears of blood. Not only must you heal My wounds, but you must wipe those tears that My Mother is shedding for each of you ( 1835 )
3. I long to forgive those souls who have added wounds to My Most Sacred Heart. I long to forgive them, but they do not come to Me ( 2868 )
4. I have come to share My pain with you. My heart bleeds when I see the sorrow in My Mother’s face. My heart bleeds because so many are ignoring these heavenly pleas. ( 1934 )
5. I pour My tears of blood over humanity. Listen to Me. Get down on your knees. The time has come for the world to repent. ( 2840 )
6. I am your merciful Lord, who shed My blood for you. I am totally yours when you come to Me, for I am able to be with each of you. I am able to love you even when you offend Me, so immerse yourselves in this love that I have for you. ( 1341 )
7. Now, please meditate on our Lord’s Passion so you never forget the pain Jesus endured for each of you. Meditate on our Lord’s Passion and trust, trust in His Divine Mercy and Love. ( 2463 )
8. Ask God to heal those wounds that are preventing you from praying. Ask and you shall receive the grace needed to live a holy life. Ask and then turn to God and respond to his love and mercy. ( 3068 )
9. Unite your heart to My tears of blood. Spend time with Me and pray for those who are refusing to repent. ( 3039 )
10. I am Jesus. I come today with tears in My Heart, for many are not listening to My Mother. ( 2902 )

Agony in the Garden – Passion of Christ

August 7, 2008

Agony in the Garden – Passion of Christ – Various images of Our Lord – who loves us some much, to lay down His life for His Friends —  Audio by Doug Barry of Radix –

The Passion of Christ – One Man Passion Play – Recorded at the Orpheum Theater

The Passion of Christ,  a one man stage performace by Doug Barry like none other.

 I just wanted to express my feelings about the video. I bought it last month and I watched it twice (once with my daughter and once with my wife).

It was awesome. I have been passing it around and everyone has the same reaction.

Who is the actor in the video? He gave quite a performance.  I have never seen such passion in a one man show.  His performance was flawless and very moving.  I was in tears throughout the show